All forms of development will require environmental management plans. RICS methodologies provide a number of management plans and assessments that enhance any specific development or revenue creation initiatives. Increasingly sustainability assessments are replacing the more traditional and one dimensional environmental impact assessments and consider the social, environmental and economic impacts of any particular site simultaneously in order to ascertain a true measure of impact. This can include a range of techniques depending on circumstances including
Sustainability Assessment (SA)
Ecological Impact Assessments (EIA)
Biodiversity Impact Assessments (BIA)
Construction & Environmental Management Plans (CEMP)
Biological Action Plan (BAP)
An ecological Impact Assessment methodology comprises of:
Initial scoping surveys of site and surrounding area with the identification of the likely zone of influence
Evaluation of ecological resources and features likely to be affected
Review of contextual information including national and local planning policies and biodiversity action plans
Assessment of ecological effects and impacts of the proposals
Recommendations of habitat management, enhancement and restoration.